5 Ultimate Ways To Break In New Shoes (feverishthoughts)
We’ve all been in those shoes – you know, the ones that absolutely destroy your feet to a point where you can’t even wear them past the breaking-in stage. Yeah, those. The ones we usually spend obscene amounts of money on just to have them never quite fully break in and rip apart our poor […]
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Slip into some slip-ons this autumn – AsiaOne
AsiaOneSlip into some slip-ons this autumn AsiaOne Slip-on shoes, or sneakers that have no shoestrings or metal clasps, are easy to put on and take off. They are also comfortable to wear and walk in. As there are many varieties of colors, patterns and materials, a pair of them can effectively …
Ebola nano-waterproof suits keep wearers safe if all rules are followed, experts say
The suit is the difference between life and death. In the heart of the Ebola epidemic in West Africa, health care workers are sealed head to foot in waterproof suits that have been tested against viral, bacterial and chemical intrusion.
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