PhD position Chemistry (Naturejobs)
Development of novel surface biofunctionalization methods based on click- chemistry We are looking for a highly motivated and well educated student to pursue a PhD in our research group entitled: “Development of novel surface biofunctionalization methods based on click-chemistry”. We have many ongoing projects dedicated to surface biofunctionalization, surface patterning, formation of superhydrophobic and superhydrophilic surfaces, cell-surface interaction, cell screening, etc. In most of these …
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Bio-Inspiration Is Finally Delivering Inventions Based on Porcupines … – Slate Magazine
Slate MagazineBio-Inspiration Is Finally Delivering Inventions Based on Porcupines …Slate MagazineBased on the super-hydrophobic properties of lotus leaves, surfaces have been developed that can repel water—and they may one day make windshield wipers more effective or even unnecessary; tree frog toes have inspired tire treads; and several research …
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Cutting a water droplet using a superhydrophobic knife on …
Plasma engineers BN surface
Researchers in Japan have developed a new and easy way to chemically functionalize boron nitride.
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