by admin | Nov 16, 2014 | nano coating, superhydrophobic, water repellent, waterproofing spray
How can a Hydrophobic Coating Make Objects Water Repellent? To make the entire notion of hydrophobic coatings more easy to comprehend for you, let us look for a minute at a before and after scenario. BEFORE: Under ordinary conditions, liquids (water, wine, oils, you...
by admin | Oct 28, 2014 | superhydrophobic
[monetize id=”1″] [monetize id=”1″] Faculty Highlight: Michael Rubner – MIT News Faculty Highlight: Michael RubnerMIT NewsIt’s transparent; it’s like a sheet of glass.” Recognizing the anti-fogging capability of...
by admin | Oct 28, 2014 | superhydrophobic
PhD position Chemistry (Naturejobs) Development of novel surface biofunctionalization methods based on click- chemistry We are looking for a highly motivated and well educated student to pursue a PhD in our research group entitled: “Development of novel surface...
by admin | Oct 28, 2014 | superhydrophobic
PhD position Chemistry (Naturejobs) Development of novel surface biofunctionalization methods based on click- chemistry We are looking for a highly motivated and well educated student to pursue a PhD in our research group entitled: “Development of novel surface...